I regularly share my expertise on anthropological research, tourism, and New Caledonian society through interviews, articles, and expert commentary across different media platforms.

Article for OKO.press
In my analysis of New Caledonia’s recent violent protests, I investigate the roots of conflict and its implications for the region’s future.

Article for Krytyka Polityczna
My research explores the underlying causes and social impact of recent riots in New Caledonia, offering insights into the territory’s ongoing tensions.

Reportage for Outriders
In an interactive reportage with Mikołaj Góralik, we explore New Caledonia’s historical path and current dynamics as it struggles for independence.
My reportages for Tygodnik Powszechny
Tygodnik Powszechny is a Polish weekly magazine which focuses on social, cultural and political issues. I have introduced readers of Tygodnik Powszechny to the topics such as customary culture in New Caledonia, struggle for its’ independence, as well as situation of indigenous communities in Brazil. My articles are based on several-months fieldwork I have conducted in these places.

Radio & Podcast Appearances
My expert commentary and interviews are featured across major Polish and Czech radio stations and podcasts.
Radio 357
Broadcast „Niewidzialne światy” about New Caledonia
Outriders Podcast about New Caledonia
Radio TOK FM
Podcast „Niebezpieczne związki” about New Caledonia
Radio TOK FM
Broadcast TOK360 – Podsumowanie Dnia
Raport o stanie świata
Podcast about protests and riots in New Caledonia
Polskie Radio Trójka
Broadcast Zapraszamy do Trójki about New Caledonia